Press Accreditation

You must comply with the following requirement

  • The media accreditation grants free access to the area of the event (EECC).
  • The press pass will allow you to take interviews, make professional photos and recordings, however, the Pass will not give you access to the Actors’ Photo Ops or Autographs. To meet the actors, you can attend the Panels on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April the 19-21st. The details of the press conference will be announced in your approval e-mail. The EECC organizers do not guarantee the availability of the actors and artists for any interviews.
  • The media accreditation does not guarantee any privilege regarding early access to the venue. Every accredited member shall respect the program and access regulations communicated by the EECC organizers.
  • The press accreditation does not grant the right to interview the actors. Any request for an interview must be sent to the EECC press bureau at least one week before the event. The EECC organizers do not guarantee the availability of the artists or other guests for any of the requested interviews.
  • For one institution the accreditation is granted for one representative, maximum 2, but only for the formulas of 1 reporter + 1 photographer or 1 reporter + 1 cameraman.
  • The media accreditation will be approved based on the applicant’s promotion of the event with at least 2 materials.
  • The media accreditations are strictly reserved for mass media representatives (reporters, photojournalists, radio and TV editors, radio and TV teams, online journalists, foreign correspondents, and press agency correspondents). Facebook pages are not considered media institutions!
  • Freelance journalists and photographers will be taken into consideration only if they will represent a certain press institution.
  • The media accreditations are not transferable and they are considered valid only along with the press card and if the media accreditations guidelines are respected.
  • The press card and ID card are mandatory in receiving the accreditation badge.
  • The journalist must wear the press accreditation badge when attending the EECC events. If the badge is worn by a different person than the accredited ones, the accreditation will be canceled by the organizer and the badge confiscated.
  • Filming with professional cameras is allowed for a maximum of 60 minutes/day excepting the official media partners of the event. Filming or recording during the special panels of the actors might not be possible if the actors specifically ask this.
  • EECC reserves the right to limit the number of media accreditations granted for each press institution.
  • By signing this form, you agree that EECC, its organizers, sponsors, community officials, and representatives are absolved of any contractual responsibility regarding any injuries (including burns), death, psychological traumas, the loss or destruction of goods (including personal property) that might occur during the time of the event, excepting where the Romanian law applies. The responsibility for taking part in the event is yours.
  • The organizers reserve the right to cancel the accreditation at any time or to restrict the access of the accredited media members to certain areas and/or to forbid access to the event’s perimeter.
  • The organizers reserve the right to request copies of the materials from the event at any time and without any additional costs.
  • The articles, reviews, and photos made at EECC can be used only within the accredited media outlet. These rules also apply to the video and photo materials from the event.
  • EECC has the right to refuse all the accreditation forms that are incomplete or irrelevant in promoting this event.
  • The filming or photo-shooting of the special guests has to be made from a reserved photo-pit at a minimum distance set by the organizers.
  • All video interviews and/or any recorded materials must be related to the East European Comic Con 2024 and recorded within the area of the event (Romexpo/Arena Nationala).
  • You must agree to offer East European Comic Con, upon request the recordings for non-commercial use!
  • For questions regarding the event, pop culture, or anything EECC related, please ask one of our PRs. Presenting the distorted facts or a made-up interview(directed) will result in the refusal of the press accreditation next year.
  • The websites represented by the online journalists must be have at least 1,500 daily visits (500 Unique views) to qualify for accreditation.